Monday, August 6, 2007

Discovering Buddhism: Mind and its Potential (Kadampa Center) (November 13, 2006)

Via the Internet Archive (fantastic resource, by the way), here's a collection of audio files which are a part of the FPMT's Discovering Buddhism series. Here's the text from the Archive page:
Mind and its Potential is the first course in the Discovering Buddhism series presented by Kadampa Center. Discovering Buddhism is a 14-course series of introductory Buddhist theory and practice designed by the Foundation for the Preservation of Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).

Examine what is "mind," its nature and function, and how it affects our experience of happiness and suffering. Come explore the differentiation between mind and brain, mind as the creator of our experiences, and the implications of possessing a mind that has no beginning and no end. In addition, learn methods to transform destructive thoughts and attitudes and create a positive and joyous mind.

Kadampa Center, affiliated with the FPMT, is located in Raleigh, NC. For more information on the Center, see; for more information on FPMT, see

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